

Causes and Effects On the US Natural Gas Exports
摘要 作为头号经济强国,美国的能源消费量居世界前列,其似乎不应出口能源产品。然而,受页岩气开采导致的天然气产量大增等因素影响,美国正计划大规模地出口液化天然气,美国能源部和联邦能源管理委员会已批准了一些液化天然气出口项目。在不久的将来,美国出口液化天然气必将对全球能源市场产生重大影响。 As the biggest economic country,energy consumption of the USA is among the first place in the world.Which seems it can't export energy products.However,because of the natural gas production surge resulting from shale gas exploitation and other factors,the USA is planning to export liquefied natural gas on a large scale,The United States Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission have approved a number of liquefied natural gas export projects.In the near future,The USA exports of liquefied natural gas will have a major impact on the global energy market.
作者 王鑫
机构地区 新乡学院商学院
出处 《新乡学院学报》 2015年第2期18-20,共3页 Journal of Xinxiang University
关键词 美国 天然气 出口 影响 the USA nature gas export effect
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