
基于P2P和网格ID的位置匿名算法研究 被引量:3

Spatial Cloaking Algorithm Based on Peer-to-Peer and Grid ID
摘要 位置匿名算法是当前基于位置的服务中隐私保护领域的研究热点之一。现有的位置匿名算法大多采用中心式结构,由中心匿名服务器对用户进行匿名,但中心匿名服务器很容易成为性能的瓶颈和集中攻击的目标。近年来有研究人员提出将P2P模式引入位置匿名算法,但目前提出的算法在性能和安全性上都有不足。针对上述情况,文章提出了一种基于P2P和网格ID的位置匿名算法,通过网格ID来隐藏用户的精确位置并寻找满足用户隐私需求的匿名区域。经过与已有算法的比较,本算法可以提高匿名成功率,降低匿名区域的面积,同时避免针对P2P的匿名区域中心攻击,且不暴露任何用户的精确位置。 Currently spatial cloaking algorithm is one of the most active research issues in the field of privacy protection of LBS. Majority of the current spatial cloaking algorithms are adopting centralized structure, under which the central anonymous server makes users anonymous. However, the central anonymous server can be easily become the bottleneck of performance and the target of concentrated attack. Recently researchers have proposed the introduction of P2P mode, but at present the proposed algorithm has a shortage on the performance and security. In regards to the issue mentioned above, we proposed the Spatial Cloaking Algorithm based on P2P and Grid ID (the "SCAPGID"), which hides the user's exact location and seek the anonymous areas meeting the privacy needs via grid ID. After comparison with the existing algorithms, the SCAPGID can improve the success rate of anonymity, reduce the anonymous area, and avoid "center-of-K-ASR" attack without exposure of accurate location.
出处 《信息网络安全》 2015年第3期28-32,共5页 Netinfo Security
基金 新世纪优秀人才支持计划[NCET-11-0565] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项[2012JBZ010] 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金[20120009110007]
关键词 位置匿名算法 P2P 网格ID spatial cloaking algorithm P2P grid ID
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