

The Social Psychological Turning of Psychology of Science
摘要 科学心理学是元科学的重要组成。长期以来,科学心理学一直聚焦于科学家的创造性人格及创造性思维研究,研究主题的持续僵化限制了科学心理学的理论生命力与学科生命力。20世纪90年代以来,科学社会心理学(SPS)的兴起成为科学创造性研究的必要补充,代表了一种全新的研究取向。科学社会心理学区别于以往的科学心理学之处,就在于它要对混合着的外显社会要素进行心理学分析,就在于它可以呈现出一些科学社会心理学可以揭示而科学创造性研究无法揭示的新向度。 Psychology of science is an important part of metascience.For a long time,psychology of science was focusing on the subject of scientists' creative personality and creative thinking,and the rigid research topic limits theoretical and discipline vitality of psychology of science.Since the 1990 s,the rise of social psychology of science represents a new research orientation.It became a necessary supplement of science creativity studies.The difference between SPS and the previous study is that it will make analysis to the mixed elements from the perspective of social psychology and it can present some new aspect that science creativity studies cannot reveal.
作者 奚彦辉
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第2期145-149,共5页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 科学心理学 科学创造性 科学社会心理学 psychology of science science creativity social psychology of science
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