采用电弧离子镀在高速钢表面沉积TiN和TiAlN薄膜,并比较两种薄膜的机械性能。为模拟实际生产情况,利用对外开展技术服务的机会,沉积薄膜同时在真空腔室内放置近1000支冲棒。基材高速钢经镀2.0μm TiN和1.8μm TiAlN薄膜后硬度分别提高至2 661HK、3 570HK左右。由于Al原子的固溶强化作用,镀TiAlN薄膜硬度提高比TiN薄膜更为显著。TiAlN薄膜与基材的结合力明显低于TiN薄膜,适用于受力较小的工作条件,这可能是由于薄膜塑性较差及内应力较大共同影响所致。
TiN and TiAlN coatings were deposited on high speed steel specimens by arc ion plating and the mechanical property of the two coatings were compared. In order to simulate the actual production, about one thousand punches were placed in the chamber while depositing by taking advantage of providing technology service. The thicknesses of TiN and TiAlN coatings are around 2.0 and 1.8μm, respectively. The hardness values of high speed steel specimens coated with TiN and TiAlN coatings increase to about 2 661 HK and 3 570 HK, respectively. Due to solution strengthening of Al, the hardness value of high speed steel specimen coated with TiAlN coating is higher than TiN coating. The adhesion between TiAlN coating and substrate is obviously lower than that between TiN coating and substrate, which may be caused by the bad plasticity and high internal stress. The TiAlN coating can be applied in the condition with lower load.
Journal of Wenzhou Polytechnic