Before development of mouse's oogonia,it experienced stages of migration,proliferation and sex differentiation.For further understanding mechanism of molecular regulation,methods of immunofluorescence staining of paraffin section and single cell immunofluorescence staining were used in this paper.Oogonium and its precursor cells in breeding time of 11.5d,12.5dand 13.5d,the distribution of histone H2 Avariants MacroH2A,H2 A.Z,H2 A.X were studied.The results showed that fluorescence intensity of three histone H2 Avariants weakenned in the breeding time of 12.5d,the expression of macroH2 A.X in cytoplasm deposited with a small amount in 11.5d,12.5d,the doposition of macroH2 Ain cytoplasm increased signijicantly in the breeding time of 13.5d,while the H2 A.X in cytoplasm dispersed in the nucleus and the cytoplasm in the breeding time of 11.5d,12.5d,it mainly concentrated in the nucleus in the breeding tiem of 13.5d.H2 A.Z was expressed in 11.5d throughout the nucleus and cytoplasm,the expression of 12.5dH2 A.Z in cytoplasm decreased,the nuclei appeared partial deposition,13.5dcells mainly distributed in the cytoplasm of H2 A.Z.Distribution characteristics of histone H2 Avariants possibly had relationship with meiotic and sex differentiation and cell division.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica