

Distribution of H2A Variants in Oogonia and Its Precursor Cell
摘要 小鼠卵原细胞发育之前经历细胞的迁移、大量繁殖和性别分化,为了进一步了解分子调控机制,通过组织石蜡切片免疫荧光染色和单细胞免疫荧光染色技术,对配种时间为11.5d、12.5d和13.5d卵原细胞及其前体细胞,组蛋白H2A变体MacroH2A、H2A.Z、H2A.X的分布情况进行研究。结果表明,配种时间为12.5d细胞中3种组蛋白H2A变体荧光强度减弱,macroH2A在配种时间为11.5d、12.5d细胞质表达,有少量的沉积,13.5d细胞质中macroH2A沉积明显增多。H2A.X在配种时间为11.5d、12.5d细胞核和细胞质中弥散分布,13.5d主要集中于细胞核。H2A.Z在配种时间为11.5d整个细胞核和细胞质都有表达,12.5dH2A.Z在细胞质内表达减弱,细胞核出现部分沉积,13.5d细胞中H2A.Z主要集中分布于细胞质。组蛋白H2A变体的分布特征,可能与细胞的性别分化及细胞的减数分裂相关。 Before development of mouse's oogonia,it experienced stages of migration,proliferation and sex differentiation.For further understanding mechanism of molecular regulation,methods of immunofluorescence staining of paraffin section and single cell immunofluorescence staining were used in this paper.Oogonium and its precursor cells in breeding time of 11.5d,12.5dand 13.5d,the distribution of histone H2 Avariants MacroH2A,H2 A.Z,H2 A.X were studied.The results showed that fluorescence intensity of three histone H2 Avariants weakenned in the breeding time of 12.5d,the expression of macroH2 A.X in cytoplasm deposited with a small amount in 11.5d,12.5d,the doposition of macroH2 Ain cytoplasm increased signijicantly in the breeding time of 13.5d,while the H2 A.X in cytoplasm dispersed in the nucleus and the cytoplasm in the breeding time of 11.5d,12.5d,it mainly concentrated in the nucleus in the breeding tiem of 13.5d.H2 A.Z was expressed in 11.5d throughout the nucleus and cytoplasm,the expression of 12.5dH2 A.Z in cytoplasm decreased,the nuclei appeared partial deposition,13.5dcells mainly distributed in the cytoplasm of H2 A.Z.Distribution characteristics of histone H2 Avariants possibly had relationship with meiotic and sex differentiation and cell division.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期33-38,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 "973"计划(2007CB947403)
关键词 H2A变体 卵原细胞 前体细胞 分布 H2Avariants Oogonia Progenitor cell Distribution
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