
谈《夜访吸血鬼》的颠覆“性” 被引量:1

The Overthrow of Sexual Norms in Interview with the Vampire
摘要 吸血鬼文学等奇幻小说一向受到文学评论家的轻视,尤其在国内该领域还有待开发研究。安妮·赖斯的《夜访吸血鬼》重塑了吸血鬼形象,使吸血鬼文学作品的发展轨迹产生了根本性变化,挑战了传统的二元对立的性别框架以及异性恋的霸权话语。本文将集中分析小说中的路易斯这一角色以及他与其他角色的互动,以证明赖斯刻画了颠覆传统性别的角色,并且有意大量描绘同性情欲。《夜访吸血鬼》这样的奇幻色彩的小说具有非常重要的历史、社会以及文学意义,对它们的研究不容忽视。 Fantasy, including vampire literature, has always been neglected by literary critics, especially in China. Anne Rice' s Inter- view with the Vampire has not only reshaped the image of the vampire, revolutionizing the whole genre of vampire literature, but also has challenged the traditional gender opposites and heterosexual discourse. This essay will focus on the character, Louise, and the interaction between him and other characters in the novel. It will try to show that Rice has created characters who overthrow traditional gender norms, and she has consciously filled homoeroticism in her novel. In the end, the author draws the conclusion that fantasy like Rice' s Interview with the Vampire is of great historical, social and literary significance, and greater emphasis should be put on the study of it.
作者 孙梦天
出处 《长春师范大学学报》 2015年第3期128-131,共4页 Journal of Changchun Normal University
关键词 《夜访吸血鬼》 安妮·赖斯 性别 同性情欲 Interview with the Vampire Anne Rice gender homoeroticism
  • 相关文献


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