This paper deals with the detection circulating antigens (CAg) in human sera by using double-PcAb sandwich ELISA. The positive rates of meat-packing workers and attendants of catering trade are 9.3%(15/161) and 3.9%(3/176) respectively,and that of blood donors is 0(0/72). The difference between meat-packing workers and blood donors is remarkably significant(p<0.01). It shows that the infection of toxoplasma appears to be in close contact with touching meat products. Furthermore, using this method to detect 93 sera which contain positive antinuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor and antistreptolysin'O', the reactions are all negative. As the results, the inhibition rate is more than 70% and the coefficient of variation is less than 10%. So this method is of comparatively high specificity and sensitivity, and can be used as a diagnostic method for acute toxoplasmosis.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control