1例45岁男性患者,因左手食指钝挫伤,自服散利痛止痛,2片/次,2次/d。服药后2 h,出现阴茎局部红斑、肿痛,伴破溃。经抗感染治疗,病情未缓解。20 d后诊断为固定型红斑入院。给予康复新液清热解毒促进创面愈合,头孢噻肟钠抗感染治疗,地塞米松抗炎治疗。10 d后,患者外生殖器外观无异常,阴茎、龟头处皮肤无肿胀,红斑。
A 45-year-old male patient took saridon for analgesia by 2 tablets/time for 2 times/d, due to blunt trauma on his left index finger. After 2 h of medication, local erythema and swelling companying ulceration occurred in his penis. The illness was not relieved by anti-infection treatment. After 20 d, it was diagnosed as fixed erythema, and the patient was admitted to hospital. Kangfuxin solution was applied for clearing away heat and toxic materials to promote wound healing. Anti-infection treatment was performed by cefotaxime sodium, and anti-inflammatory treatment by dexamethasone. After 10 d, there was no abnormal appearance of the patient's penis. No skin swelling and erythema was found in penis and balanus.
China Practical Medicine