目的了解合川区疾病预防控制中心1982年在职在编职工患恶性肿瘤死亡情况及其影响因素。方法用描述性流行病学方法对疾控中心职工(1982-2013年)期间患恶性肿瘤死亡的相关信息进行统计分析。结果 1982年在编在职职工49人,在32年间患恶性肿瘤19人,患病率为38.78%(19/49),期间死亡16人,占患病人数的84.21%(16/19)。45~55岁年龄段患病率和死亡率最高,患病12人、死亡12人,死亡率为100%,占患者人数的63.16%(12/19)、占死亡人数的75.00%(12/16)。居前2位的恶性肿瘤依次是肝癌、肺癌,占恶性肿瘤患者的63.16%(12/19)。结论肝癌、肺癌是威胁合川市民健康的主要恶性肿瘤,45~55岁人群是防控恶性肿瘤重点人群。
Objectives Understand He Chuan district center for disease control and prevention in 1982 working at dead worker of malignant tumor and its influencing factors. Methods Using descriptive epidemiological methods to the centers for disease control and prevention worker(1982-2013) of malignant tumor death during the period of information for statistical analysis. Results At 1982 on-the-job worker at 49, 19 of malignant tumors in 32 years, the prevalence was 38.78%(19/49), die during the 16 people, accounting for 84.21% of the number of cases(16/19). The highest morbidity and mortality, 45 to 55 years old age 12 people, 12 people died, mortality rate of 100%, accounting for 63.16% of the patients(12/19) and 75.00%(12/16) of all deaths. The top two malignant tumor was followed by liver cancer, lung cancer, accounting for 63.16% of the patients with malignant tumor(12/19). Conclusion Liver cancer, lung cancer is the main threat to hechuan district residents health malignant tumor, 45 to 55 years old crowd is a malignant tumor prevention and control of key crowd.
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control
Malignant tumor
Relevant factors
The prevention and control intervention