目的:采用高场强磁共振胆胰管水成像(magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography,MRCP)及图像后处理技术,探讨胰腺主胰管形态学变化与急性胰腺炎的相关性。方法:按纳入标准和排除标准收集2012年1月至2013年6月行MRI和2D MRCP检查患者共64例,并分为A、B两组,A组分为急性胰腺炎组,共31例,B组为正常对照组,共33例。两组数据均传输至图像后处理工作站,在PACS系统中选取一幅主胰管显示最清楚且最完整的MRCP图像,利用图像后处理软件分别3次测量其胰腺主胰管曲线长度和头尾直线距离,取其平均值为最后值,主胰管屈曲度为最后值的主胰管曲线长度与头尾直线距离之差的绝对值,记录并行统计学分析。结果:A、B两组主胰管曲线长度分别为(23.74±6.62)cm和(17.24±3.35)cm,头尾直线距离分别为(11.46±1.73)cm和(11.04±1.41)cm,主胰管屈曲度分别为(12.28±5.54)cm和(6.20±3.46)cm。胰腺主胰管屈曲度、主胰管曲线长度A、B两组间均有统计学意义(P=0.009、P=0.001);胰腺主胰管头尾直线距离A、B两组间无统计学意义(P=0.240)。结论:胰腺主胰管形态学变化(屈曲度及曲线长度)与急性胰腺炎具有相关性,胰腺主胰管的屈曲度越大,曲线路径越长,其急性胰腺炎的患病率越高。
[ Abstract] Objective:To explore the correlation between the morphological changes of main pancreatic duct and acute pancrea- titis by means of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and image post-processing techniques. Methods : According to the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria,64 cases,who were administered with MRI and Two-dimension MPCR between January 2012 and June 2013 were divided into Group A and Group B. The former consisted of 31 cases with acute pancreatitis ;the latter,the normal control group, consisted of 33 cases. Data of the two groups were respectively transmitted into the Image post-processing station. One clearest and complete MRCP image of the main pancreatic duct was chosen from the PACS system ;the curve length of the duct and the linear distance between its head and tail was measured by image post-processing software for three times and the average value for each was the final value. The degree of flexion of the main pancreatic duct was the absolute value of the difference of the curve length and the linear head-and-tail distance. All the data were recorded for statistical analysis. Results:The curve length, the linear head-and-tail dis- tance and the flexion degree of the main pancreatic duct in Group A and Group B were (23.74 ± 6.62 ) em and (17.24 ± 3.35 ) em, ( 11.46 ± 1.73 ) em and ( 11.04 ± 1.41 ) cm, ( 12.28 ± 5.54 ) cm and ( 6.20 ± 3.46 ) cm, respectively. Statistical significance existed in the flexion degree and curve lenglh of the main pancreatic duct between the two groups ( P = 0. 009, P = 0. 001, respectively) ;no sta- tistical significance was found in the linear head-and-tail distance of the main pancreatic duct between the two groups ( P = 0. 240 ). Conclusion:There exists a correlation between the morphological changes of the main pancreatic duct (the flexion degree and curve length ) and acute pancreatitis. The bigger the flexion degree is, the longer the curved path is, and the higher prevalence of acute pancre- atitis will become.
Journal of North Sichuan Medical College
Acute pancreatitis
Main pancreatic duct
Degree of flexion
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)