因医疗意外性质所致的医疗纠纷较多,减少和避免医疗意外性质的医疗纠纷: 一是社会要给予医疗意外损伤者必要的医疗保障和生活保障; 二是要真正落实患者的知情同意权,增强抗医疗风险意识; 三是医院要加强对医疗意外病例的研究和减少医疗意外的发生。
Abstrat: Medical negligence has led to many medical tangles. In order to reduce and avoid medicaltangles: first, the society needs to give some necessary medical security and life extra allowance forliving expenses to these patients; second, we must give patients the right of informed consent andpatients will know about what kind of medical risks for them; third, doctors should increase researcheson the cases of medical negligence in order to reduce medical negligence.
Soft Science of Health