目的掌握十堰市2013年法定报告传染病的流行特征和变化趋势,探讨科学防制措施。方法采用描述流行病学方法对十堰市2013年法定传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 2013年十堰市无甲类传染病报告;报告乙类传染病19种,共12 446例,死亡17例,报告发病率为371.18/10万,报告死亡率为0.51/10万,比2012年报告发病率下降4.01%;发病数居前3位的依次是乙型肝炎、肺结核、梅毒,占传染病总发病数的90.99%;报告丙类传染病7种12 661例,死亡2例,报告发病率为377.59/10万,报告死亡率为0.06/10万,比2012年报告发病率上升21.29%;发病数居前3位的依次是其它感染性腹泻病、手足口病、流行性腮腺炎,占丙类传染病报告总数的93.44%。结论乙类传染病中的乙型肝炎、结核病、梅毒和丙类传染病中其它感染性腹泻病、手足口病、流行性腮腺炎是现阶段防治的重点,应建立综合性的长效防治机制。
[Objective]To master the epidemic characteristics and tendency of notifiable infectious diseases in Shiyan City in 2013, discuss the scientific prevention measures.[Methods]The epidemic data of notifiable infectious diseases in Shiyan City in 2013 were statistically analyzed with descriptive epidemiological method.[Results]There was no category A infectious diseases in Shiyan City in 2013.19 category B infectious diseases were reported, involving 12 446 cases and 17 death cases, the reported incidence rate and reported mortality was 371.18/lkh and 0.51/lakh respectively, and the reported incidence rate decreased by 4.01% as compared with that in 2012. The top three diseases were hepatitis B, tuberculosis and syphihs, which accounted for 90.99% of total cases of category B infectious diseases. 7 category C infectious diseases were reported, involving 12 661 cases and 2 death cases, the reported incidence rate and reported mortality was 377.59/lakh and 0.06/lakh respectively, and the reported incidence rate increased by 21.29% as compared with that in 2012. The top three diseases were other infectious diarrhea, hand foot and mouth disease, and mumps, which accounted for 93.44% of total cases of category C infectious diseases.[Conclusion]At present, the prevention and control should focus on the category B infectious diseases of hepatitis B, tuberculosis and syphilis, and category C infectious diseases of other infectious diarrhea, hand foot and mouth disease, and mumps. And it is necessary to establish a comprehensive long-term control system.
Occupation and Health
Notifiable infectious diseases
Disease surveillance
Epidemic analysis