
葆拉·马歇尔笔下的褐砖房区 被引量:2

Brownstones in Paule Marshall's Works
摘要 本文结合历史与文本,从城市研究的角度重新审视葆拉·马歇尔的三部小说,重点考察她笔下的褐砖房区,探讨她对以纽约为代表的美国现代城市发展所作的思考。本文认为,通过褐砖房区的历史变迁,马歇尔揭示并批判了美国城市空间所具有的种族化、阶级化和资本化实质,同时也在美国文学的版图上创造性地凸显了纽约布鲁克林的贝德福德-斯泰森特区,为自己在纽约文学领域赢得了一席之地。 By combining text and history,this paper attempts to reexamine Paule Marshall's writings of the brownstones in three novels from an interdisciplinary perspective.It explores her reflections on the development of American modern cities,particularly that of New York City.It argues that Marshall uses the trajectory of the brownstones to reveal and critique the roles played by race,class and capital in the American urban space,and wins herself a position in the literature of New York through her fictional highlights of the Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn.
作者 申昌英
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期63-70,158,共8页 Foreign Literature
基金 北京外国语大学"高校基本科研业务费青年教师创新项目(2009JJ080)
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