
MAX-Ⅱ和V_(max) Spectra 229D两种心肺功能测试仪的应用比较 被引量:4

Comparison of Gas Exchange Variables Measured by the AEI MAX-II and the Sensormedics V_(max) Spectra 229D Cardiorespiratory Function Testing Instruments
摘要 对MAX-Ⅱ和VmaxSpectra 229D两种心肺功能测试仪的主要测试指标进行对比分析。22名受试者分别进行2次独立的跑台递增负荷运动测试,同时采集记录相关参数指标。结果发现:2次测试时受试者的HRmax和RPEimpex无显著差异,但BLAimpex和Tmax存在非常显著性差异;除RQmax、BFmax两仪器间无差异外,Max-Ⅱ仪器测试的VO2max/kg、VCO2max、VEmax(P<0.01)和VO2max指标(P<0.05)低于Vmax Spectra 229D测试值;除VO2max/kg指标外,其他心肺功能指标的测量数据相关性和一致性较好。得出结论:MAX-Ⅱ仪器与VmaxSpectra 229D仪器测试的多数气体代谢指标的峰值存在差异,尽管MAX-Ⅱ仪器测试会引起一些不适体验,可能会影响受试者大强度运动时的表现,但两仪器心肺功能指标(除VO2max/kg)的测量数据相关性和一致性较好,通过转换公式可以为相关数据的代替转换和比较分析提供简便的方法:VO2max指标Y=0.932 X+477.764;VCO2max指标Y=0.997 X+468.576;VEmax指标Y=0.771 X+37.83(Y为VmaxSpectra 229D测试值,X为MAX-Ⅱ测试值)。 The purpose of this study is to compare and assess the agreement between gas exchange variables measured by the AEI MAX-Ⅱ and the Sensormedics Vmax Spectra 229D cardiorespiratory function testing instruments. Twenty-two physically fit subjects performed an incremental treadmill exercise test to volitional fatigue on two separate occasions. The results indicate that VO2max/kg, VCO2max, VEmax (P〈0. 01)and VO2max (P〈0. 05)measured from the AEI MAX-Ⅱ cart were significantly lower than the Vmax Spectra 229D cart, but no significantly different in RQmax, BFmax measurement. There is a linear correlation and good agreement between gas exchange variables measured by two testing instruments. Conclusion: gas exchange variables (VO2max/kg, VCO2max, VEmax) are significantly different between two testing instruments, but can be compared based on Conversion formula for data measured by two testing instruments, although the subjects suffer some discomfortable reactions tested by the MAX-Ⅱ instrument, which may affect the performance.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期160-164,共5页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 MAX-Ⅱ VMAX SPECTRA 229D 运动测试 有氧能力 MAX- Ⅱ Vmax SPectra 229D exercise measurement aerobic caPacity
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