前人的研究主要关注成人的MW,鲜有针对儿童MW的研究,且研究从未考虑社会因素对于个体MW行为的影响,对MW的主观判断标准的个体差异也未给予足够的重视。本研究以四、五年级的儿童作为被试,让他们完成一个改编的SART(Sustained Attention to Response Task)任务,并在任务结束后填写一份态度问卷,以探讨持不同外显态度的儿童在任务中心智游移的频率差异,以及他们对于心智游移的主观判断标准差异。研究根据问卷的得分将被试分为积极态度组和消极态度组,结果发现:(1)积极态度组的儿童在任务中的心智游移频率显著高于消极态度组的儿童;(2)积极态度组的儿童无法准确地判断当前自己是否正在发生心智游移。
Previous studies mainly concentrated on mind wandering of adult, but little is known about the MW experience of children, and no social psychological factors has been taken into account. In addition, previous studies hasn't attach any importance to the validity of participant's introspection. In the current study, one hundred three primary students in grades 4 or 5 (mean age = 10.6 years) were recruited as subjects. The MW experiences were probed during the adapted Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART), and their attitudes towards MW were measured by questionnaire. Results showed that (1) children with positive attitudes reported more MW during the SART than children with negative attitudes; and (2) children with positive attitudes provided invalid reports of MW.
Journal of Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College