
不同机插条件下双季稻不同品种的产量和干物质生产力 被引量:11

The Yield and Matter Productive Capacity of Different Varieties of Double Season Rice under Different Conditions of Mechanical Transplanting
摘要 选择不同生育期早、晚稻品种各8个,探讨机插秧条件下生育期表现、以及产量和物质生产力,为双季机插稻适宜品种的选择提供依据。结果表明,不同插秧机型对生育期没有影响。早稻品种生育进程差异表现在营养生长阶段。生育期较长的品种营养生长期较长,幼穗分化较晚;不同品种穗分化和发育期、籽粒灌浆期差异小。晚稻品种生育进程的差异表现在营养生长阶段和抽穗后的灌浆结实期。晚稻品种的营养生长期较短,灌浆结实期较长。早稻生育期112 d以下、晚稻120 d左右的品种为机插宜栽品种。机插稻谷产量、干物质总产量与生育期显著正相关,其相关系数,早稻分别为0.573 0**和0.668 0**,晚稻分别为0.737 8***和0.582 8**。相同生育期品种,稻谷产量和干物质产量存在差异。稻谷产量与各生育阶段的干物质日生产能力极显著正相关,相关系数随着生育进程推进提高。要获取双季稻机插高产,在选择适宜生育期品种的前提下,早稻品种应前期和全生育期干物质日生产力高,晚稻品种应后期干物质日生产力和全生育期干物质日生产力高。双季稻宽窄行机插优于等行机插。 Each eight varieties of early season rice and late season rice of different growth periods were selected,their yield and matter productive capacity under the condition of mechanical transplanting were studied,which gave a basis for the selection of applicative varieties of double cropping rice under the condition of mechanical transplanting. The results showed that,the rice transplanter of different types had no effect on the growth period.The difference in the growth process of early season rice varieties showed on vegetative stage.The varieties of longer growth period had longer vegetative stage and delayed spike differentiation.The difference in spike differentiation period and growth,grain filling period was little among varieties of early season rice.The difference in the growth process in late season rice varieties showed on vegetative growth stage and grain filling period after the heading stage.The vegetative growth stage of late season rice was shorter,and its grain filling period was longer.The early rice varieties with the growth period less than 112 days and the late rice varieties with the growth period around 120 days were suitable for mechanical transplanting.The grain yield and dry matter yield under mechanical transplanting were positively related to the growth period,the coefficients of correlation of early rice were 0.573 0**and 0.668 0**the coefficients of correlation of late rice were 0.737 8***and0.582 8**. The varieties with same growth period,grain yield and dry matter yield had differences.The grain yield had significant positive correlation with dry matter production capacity of all the growth stages,the correlation coefficient rose with the advance of growth and development.To obtain high-yield of double season rice,the varieties of higher daily dry matter productivity of the earlier stages and the whole growth period should be selected in early season rice,and the varieties of higher daily dry matter productivity of the later stages and the whole growth period should be selected in late rice in the premise of selecting varieties of suitable growth period.The way of mechanical transplanting of wide-narrow row excelled that of equivalent row in double season rice.
出处 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期1-10,共10页 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD16B04) 农业部超级稻专项和江西省"555"领军人才项目
关键词 双季稻 机插秧 生育期 产量 物质生产力 double season rice mechanical transplanting growth and development period yield matter productive capacity
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