Based on the Heterogeneous-firm Trade theory, this paper sets trade facilitation parameters and establishes a model of the microscopic mechanism describing the role of trade facilitation in export diversification. The study of Dennis and Shepherd (2011) is referred to in establishing the econometric mod- el. Using sample data of 85 countries' exports to the United States involving 96 sectors in 2011, this paper conducts a PPML estimation, finding that trade faeilitation can effectively improve the level of export diversification. Specifically, when the sector fixed effect is controlled, a reduced number of days required for export can effectively enhance the diversification of export products, with every 1% reduction in the number of days required for export corresponding to a 0.773% increase in the number of types of export products. The issue of endogeneity of days required for export and sector expenditures is inspected. By setting the distance from the equator and the 2007 sector expenditure as instrumental variables, this paper confirms that the possibility of endogeneity is very small in the sample data. Therefore, we put the IV-POISSON regression only as a robustness test. In addition, this paper also replaces the estimation methods and variables, controls the national geographic features and characteristics of elements and examines separately non-agricultural products, concluding that the results are all robust and reliable.
Journal of International Trade