
知天以知人:道家哲学的生态智慧启示录 被引量:5

Know the Heaven to Understand the Human—Inspiration from Taoist Philosophy of Ecological Protection
摘要 道家哲学挺立于号称"轴心时代"的春秋战国,《老子》的"道",以对"天"的理性认知,率先宣告了上帝世界的倒塌。"道",作为照亮中国哲学王国的第一抹阳光,以其生成的、联系的、复杂的宇宙观和对立统一的辩证法,为人与自然的关系处理以及人在自然中的生存提供了科学的理论依循。从"道"这一宇宙自然的总规律出发,《老子》为人类提出了"无为而为"、"知常曰明"、"知止不殆"和"知不知上"的思维和行为警示:人类必须遵循自然法则才能有所作为,而自然的循环性、资源的有限性以及人类在复杂、联系的宇宙自然面前的无知性,则全部都是自然法则的具体展现。人类对自然的索取和改造都必须建立在对这些法则认知和遵循的基础之上,才有可能是成功的和可持续的。《老子》"无为"、"知常"、"知止"与"无知"论,作为古老的东方智慧,尤其对于近代西方自然科学发展以来在自然面前膨胀起了征服欲的人类而言,是一种回归理性和科学的哲学矫正。 Taoist philosophy called" Axial Age" stands in the period of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States.The" Tao" of" Lao Zi" with its rational understanding of nature,could be considered the initial Declaration of God's failure." Tao",as the first ray of sunshine into the Chinese philosophy kingdom,provides scientific theory to processing the relationship between man and nature and human existence in the nature by means of its generated,related and complex view of the universe and its dialectics of unity of opposites.Starting from the"general rules of the road" of this universe,"Lao Zi"put forward for the human the" Don't go against nature"," Know the natural circulation law is clever"," Know to save natural resources is not dangerous" and" Know that the human is ignorant"warning:the human thinking and behavior must follow the laws of nature in order to make a difference,and natural circulation,resource limitation and human ignorance in the complex,connected nature of the universe,is undoubtedly specific reflection of the laws of nature.The claim and reforming of humanity to the nature must be established on the basis of cognition and following of these rules to make it possible to be successful and sustainable.The theory of" Lao Zi" about" Don't go against nature"," Know the natural circulation law"," Know to save natural resources is clever" " and" Know that the human is ignorant",as the ancient oriental wisdom,is a philosophy correcting returning to rational and scientific,especially for the human with ever expanding desire for conquest in the face of nature since the development of Western Modern Natural Science.
作者 朱松美
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期108-115,2,共8页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 道法自然 知常曰明 知止不殆 知不知上 " Don't go against nature" " Know the natural circulation law is clever" " Know to save natural resources is not dangerous" " Know that the human is ignorant"
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