
笼网型空心阴极氩气放电特性研究 被引量:4

Discharge Behavior of Hollow Cathode Housed in Mesh-Cage
摘要 采用高功率脉冲电源,研究了氩气气氛下工作气压、脉冲电压和频率等参数对笼网型空心阴极放电特性的影响,并对等离子体发射光谱进行了分析。结果发现:在脉冲电压增加到一定程度,脉冲电流随时间呈指数型(n>1)激增。提高工作气压、脉冲频率及脉冲电压,笼型空心阴极放电增强。脉冲峰值电流随气压和脉冲电压的升高而增大,但随频率增大呈现降低趋势。光谱分析表明,氩气笼型空心阴极放电主要物种是Ar*和Ar+粒子,随脉冲电压、工作气压及频率的增大,Ar*和Ar+粒子数量增多。 The influence of the discharge conditions, including but not limited to the high-power pulsed voltage, pulse frequency and pressure of argon in the hollow cathode housed in a mesh-cage, on the discharge behavior was investi- gated with plasma emission spectroscopy. The results show that the pulsed voltage, pulse frequency and argon pressure all have a major impact on the discharge characteristics. For example, a square voltage pulse resulted in a cusp-shaped cur- rent pulse, consisting of an exponential ( n 〉 1)increase and a rapid decrease of the current. As the pulsed voltage, pulse- frequency and argon pressure increased, the discharge of the hollow cathode housed in mesh-cage became significantly in- tensified, accompanied by the increasing densities of Ar^* and Ar^+ . The current peak increased with the increases of the pulsed voltage and argon pressure, but decreased with an increase of the pulse frequency.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期323-329,共7页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(51175118 U1330110) 哈尔滨工业大学先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室开放课题基金(AWPT-Z02)
关键词 笼网空心阴极放电 击穿电压 脉冲电流 等离子体光谱 Mesh-cage shaped hollow cathode discharge Breakdown voltage Pulse current Plasma emission spec-troscopy
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