
离子束轰击改性对基底表面织构形成规律的影响研究 被引量:2

Nano-Structures Formation by Ion Beam Bombardment on Si Surfaces
摘要 利用氩离子束对硅基底表面进行轰击,形成了不同规则的纳米织构,对不同织构的变化规律进行系统的研究,采用原子力显微镜分析表面形貌。结果表明,随着氩离子垂直轰击基底表面的时间从0增加到15 min,表面粗糙度由0.205增大到0.490 nm,且当垂直轰击基底15 min时,表面呈现出纳米点阵织构;当氩离子与基底呈一定夹角轰击时,基底表面呈现波纹纳米织构,且随着轰击角度的增加,表面逐渐变得粗糙。当离子束轰击时间继续增加时,基底表面织构基本维持不变。研究结果为进一步探索离子束表面改性技术对不同基底表面形貌产生的影响、提高沉积薄膜附着力、以及离子束刻蚀等工作提供了理论参考。 The nano-stmctured surfaces of silicon wafer were fabricated by Ar-ion beam bombardment. The impact of the modification conditions, including the incident angle and sputtering time of Ar ion beam, on the nano-textures and sur- face roughness of the modified silicon surfaces was investigated with atomic force microscopy. The preliminary results show that the incident angle and sputtering time of Ar-ion beam have a major impact on the surface nano-stmctures and rough- ness. For example, as the sputtering time of At-ions increased from 0 to 15 min, the root mean square surface roughness increased from 0.205 to 0.490 nm. Bombarded at an incident angle of 0° for 15 min, arrays of nano-dot appeared. For a fixed sputtering time, as the incident angle increased above a certain angle, increasingly pronounced nano-ripples were ob- served and the nano-ripples pattern remained roughly unchanged as the sputtering time increased. We suggest that our preliminary results be of mnch basic and technological interest.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期354-357,共4页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 陕西省"13115"科技创新工程重大科技专项资助的课题(批准号:2009ZDKG-29)
关键词 离子束改性技术 纳米织构 表面形貌 表面粗糙度 Ion beam surface modification technology Surface texture Bombardment time Surface roughness
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