包括经济学说在内的马克思主义科学理论有着经久不衰的生命力 ,其中根本原因就在于方法论。马克思主义经济学说的发展与创新关键在于方法论的正确。通过对马克思主义方法论的研究 ,及对当代马克思主义领袖人物运用马克思主义方法论的比较研究 ,可以发现马克思主义方法论与当代马克思主义者的方法论 ,其最根本的区别就在于马克思的方法论来源于研究实践 。
Through the comparison between Marxist methodology and the application of Marxist methodology by the contemporary Marxist leaders, it's not difficult to find that the basic difference between Marxist methodology and the methodology of the contemporary Marxists consists in that Marxist methodology came from the research on practice, while the contemporary Marxists use it to innovate in practice and to direct practice.
The Northern Forum