
新媒体时代艺术研究新视野 被引量:5

A New Vision for Art Research in the Time of New Media
摘要 视野更新和媒体变革密切相关。它们之间的互动是艺术研究取得突破的重要条件。从视野方面看,艺术研究创新既表现为艺术知觉、艺术知识和艺术知交的变化,又表现为视野在广度上的拓展、深度上的增加和角度上的调整,还表现为研究过程中视域、视点和视线的改变。从媒体方面看,艺术视野更新社会层面上表现为研究主体形成"互联网思维"、研究对象向新媒体用户倾斜、研究中介以后人类为人格模式等,产品层面上表现为云计算作为重要研究手段的应用、数码艺术思潮作为重要研究内容的确立、超媒体作为重要研究本体的尝试等,运营层面上表现为仿真检测作为研究方式的实验、增强现实作为研究环境的类比、数码艺术新学科建设作为研究机制的发展等。就艺术运动而言,艺术研究视野更新经历了从先驱倡导到形成潮流、从非常态到新常态、从标新立异到兼容并蓄的过程。 There is a close relationship between vision changes and media updates. Their interaction is one of the im- portant conditions for the development of art research. From the perspective of v/ew, the innovation of art research shows itself as follows: changes of the perception, knowledge and communication of art; the expansion in breadth, increase in depth, and adjustment of angles for researchers ; changes in sight, viewpoint and the line of sight in the research process. From the perspective of media, we can see updates of artistic vision from: ( 1 ) social dimension, including the "internet thinking" by researchers, the favor for new media users as research object, the adopting post-humanity of personality mode as research mediation, etc. ; (2) product dimension, including cloud computing applied as an important research tool, digital art trends established as an important research content, hypermedia tried as an important form for research results, and so on ; (3) operational dimension, including the experiment of simulation detection as a research method, augmented reality as a metaphor for research environment, the digital art disciplines developed as new research mechanisms, etc. As far as art movement is concerned, updates of the vision of artistic research have gone from droplet to tide, from the abnormal state to the new norm, from maverick to compatibility.
作者 黄鸣奋
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期1-11,共11页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金艺术学规划项目"数码艺术潜学科群研究"(13BA008)
关键词 新媒体 艺术研究 新视野 new media, art research, new vision
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