
生命政治:技术时代艺术的新机制 被引量:5

Biopolitics: New Mechanism of Art in the Technical Age
摘要 福柯所开启的生命政治理论,经由当今欧洲一批左派理论家的鼎力发扬而逐渐成为当今时代的主导理论范式。技术在艺术与生命政治之间建立起了关联。这一语境中,艺术的生命政治在于艺术始终处于侵蚀、越界与抵抗的悖论性张力关系中。技术一方面复活了艺术的形式生命,另一方面又制造了艺术的生物生命。艺术进入装置和以装置机制运作,并受到诸众的错位审视。艺术的诸多"例外状态",恰恰成了技术时代艺术存在的正常状态。 With the support of a group of leftwing theorists in Europe, the biopolitics raised by Foucault has been turned into a kind of main theoretical paradigm nowadays. Technology has established some relevance between art and bio politics. The art of biopolitics lies in a certain power of contrary theory, such as eroding, crossing the border and resisting all along. On the one hand, technology revives form life of art. On the other hand, it makes art bio as well. Art has entered apparatus and with its mechanism operation, art is viewed in dislocation. "State of exception" is just the normal condition of art in the technical age.
作者 支运波
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期12-21,共10页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 江南大学自主科研计划青年基金"海德格尔后期诗学研究:以Ereignis为进路"(JUSRP11472)的资助
关键词 艺术 技术时代 生命政治 装置 art, technical age,biopolitics, apparatus
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