

Deep Analysis of Content Identification Solution of Mobile Data Service
摘要 移动数据业务内容识别是差异化流量经营的基础。根据内容识别功能单元所处的位置以及在数据报文获取方式上的不同,归纳为3类主流内容识别方案,并对每一种方案适应的场景和对计费的影响进行了剖析。对PCC架构方案和流量导引方案对内容识别的优化进行了原理描述,给出了流量导引的2种典型方案和3种常用的流量导引技术。最后,指出了内容识别方案在流量经营中的积极因素和不利条件,提出了流量经营者制定经营策略时应考虑的内容识别限制。 Content identification of mobile data service is essential foundation for the data monetization. First, according to the content identification function unit position and the data packet acquisition mode, it concludes three mainly content identification solution, then analyzes influence of charging and application of scene to each kind of solution. Second, it describes the principle of optimizing content identification basis of PCC architecture or diversion of data flow, gives two typical solutions and three methods used for diversion of data flow. Finally, it points out the positive factors and disadvantages of content identification solution,then gives some restrictions on content identification when the telecommunications operators formulate business strategy.
作者 宋齐军 汤泳
出处 《邮电设计技术》 2015年第2期62-68,共7页 Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 移动数据业务 内容识别 流量网关 离线识别 流量导引 Mobile data service Content identification Data flow gateway Offline identification Diversion of data flow
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