
雄烯二酮长期暴露对食蚊鱼肝脏生物转化酶系的影响 被引量:3

Long-term exposure effects of androstenedione on biotransformation enzymes activity in the liver of Gambusia affinis
摘要 为了研究雄烯二酮(4-androstene-3,17-dione,AED)长期暴露对食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)肝脏7-乙氧基-3-异酚恶唑脱乙基酶(EROD)和谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)的影响,分别利用不同浓度的AED(0.14、1.4、14、140 nmol·L-1和420 nmol·L-1)对食蚊鱼仔鱼进行180 d的水浴暴露,同时设丙酮和空白对照组,分别于第180天取样后测定肝脏的EROD和GST活性.结果表明,与对照组相比,AED对食蚊鱼雌性幼鱼的体重和体长均起到显著的抑制作用,对食蚊鱼雄性幼鱼的体重和体长的影响不明显,只有最高浓度起抑制作用.AED对食蚊鱼幼鱼EROD的抑制作用与暴露浓度呈显著的剂量关系.各浓度组AED对雌性食蚊鱼幼鱼和雄性食蚊鱼幼鱼GST活性的影响大致呈现出倒"U"曲线的趋势. Two main anti-oxidation enzymes, 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) , play an important role in the transformation and metabolization of toxicants. In this study, the effect of androstenedione (AED) on EROD and GST in the liver of Gambusia affinis was investigated. Both male and female mosquitofish fry were exposed to 0.14,1.4, 14,140 nmol. L-1 and 420 nmol-L-1 AED for 180 d by using the hydrostatic bath method, and EROD and GST enzyme activities in fish liver were detected, respectively. The results showed that within a certain concentration range of AED, there was dose -effect relationship between EROD activity and AED concentration. The GST activity was induced significantly at lower doses (1.4,14, 140 nmol-L-1) , but was inhibited at higher doses (420 nmol.L-1).
出处 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期442-447,共6页 Environmental Chemistry
基金 广东省教育厅科技计划"育苗工程"(2012LYM0100) 广州市市属高校科技计划(2012A040)资助
关键词 雄烯二酮 食蚊鱼 长期暴露 生物转化酶. androstenedione, Gambusia affinis, long-term exposure, biotransformation enzymes.
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