
电化学方法检测海水中铁的研究进展 被引量:4

Advances in the determination of iron in seawater by electrochemical methods
摘要 海水中的痕量铁作为限制海洋浮游植物初级生产力的关键因素之一,在海洋生物地球化学循环中起着重要的作用.及时分析海水中铁的不同存在形态及其含量,对于进一步认识铁循环机制和有效预防海洋环境污染具有重要意义.电化学方法较其他分析方法在检测海水中痕量铁的含量,尤其是形态分析方面具有独特的优势.本文总结了运用电化学方法检测海水及其他自然水体中铁的分析方法,以期为发展准确、快速测定海水中痕量铁的形态及其含量的分析技术提供基础性参考. As one of the key factors in limiting phytoplankton productivity in certain ocean regions, trace iron plays an important role in oceanic biogeochemistry. In order to understand the mechanism of iron cycle and effectively prevent marine environment pollution, accurate determination of various iron species in seawater is quite necessary. Compared to other analytical methods, electrochemical method possesses a unique superiority in the determination of trace iron in seawater, especially in speciation analysis. In this review, the determination of iron and its chemical speciation by electrochemical methods in seawater or other natural waters are presented and concluded in order to offer a basic and comprehensive reference.
出处 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期536-544,共9页 Environmental Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41276093)资助
关键词 海水 电化学分析方法 seawater, iron, electrochemical methods.
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