
中国试点碳市场配额分配方法比较研究 被引量:21

Comparative Research on Quota Allocation Methods in China's Pilot Carbon Market
摘要 配额分配是碳市场机制设计的重要内容和碳市场交易执行的前提条件。除重庆采取企业自主申报外,中国其他6个已试点碳市场城市均制定了明确的配额分配方法。通过对6个已试点碳市场配额分配方法的比较分析,发现各试点碳市场配额分配方法具有一定的共同特征,但又各有特点,目前还没有出现统一的配额分配方法。未来跨区发展、行业交融和评估方法日新月异,各试点碳市场需要及时评估已有方法并进行积极改善,全国统一碳市场的建立也需要在统一的配额分配方法上做出更多的探索和研究。 Quota allocation is an important item for designing carbon market mechanism and the prereguisite of carbon market transactions.Except for enterprises independent reporting in Chongqing,other six pilot carbon markets all have set up clear quota allocation methods.Through the comparative analysis on the quota allocation methods in the six pilot carbon markets,it is found that there are certain common but unique features in these methods,while and there are no uniform ones yet.In the future,cross-regional development,blends of industries and technical innovation all change rapidly.The pilot carbon markets need timely evaluating the existing methods and improving proactively.And it needs more exploration on the uniform quota allocation methods on the national uniform carbon market.
作者 李峰 王文举
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期9-15,共7页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国碳市场成熟度 市场机制完善及环境监管政策研究"(14ZDA072) 北京市属高等学校高层次人才引进与培养"长城学者"计划资助项目"碳排放与博弈计量研究"(CIT&CD:20140321)
关键词 碳市场 配额分配方法 比较分析 carbon market quota allocation method comparative analysis
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