

From“Religious Freedom”to“Religious Engagement”: The New Turn of the Obama Administration's International Religious Freedom Policy
摘要 美国《国际宗教自由法》自1998年出台后,推动"国际宗教自由"成为美国外交政策的一项重要内容。令世人遗憾的是,它提倡宗教自由、减少宗教迫害的美好愿望不但没有实现,反倒增加了更多有害的形式:宗教恐怖主义以及跨国恐怖主义。"宗教自由政策"之所以难有成效,最主要的原因是它完全从美国的视角理解和看待"宗教自由"。2013年8月"信仰共同体倡议办公室"的成立,标志着美国不再专注于"宗教自由",而是强调与海外宗教领袖与团体的交往,以此促进可持续发展和更有效的人道主义援助,促进包括宗教自由在内的多元主义和人权的发展。从"宗教自由"到"宗教接触",就整个美国国际宗教自由政策的发展历程而言,这不仅意味着人事上的变迁,更是奥巴马政府对于备受争议的国际宗教自由政策做出的战略性调整。 The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 has aimed at"international religious freedom"and been an important part of American foreign policy since its very beginning. However,the reality goes against its original good wishes regrettably: instead of promoting religious freedom and reducing religious prosecution,more harmful varieties have increased,i. e.,religious terrorism and transnational terrorism. The root cause of the failure of "religious freedom policy"is that the whole perspective to understand and treat "religious freedom"is American. The founding of "Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives"marks the turn of U. S. attention from"religious freedom"to the emphasis on contacts with overseas religious leaders and organizations in order to promote sustainable development,more effective humanitarian assistance,pluralism and human rights including religious freedom. The shift from "religious freedom"to "religious engagement",speaking of the course of development of U. S. international religious freedom policy,is not simply a change of personnel,but also a strategic adjustment made by the Obama Administration over the controversial U. S. international religious freedom policy.
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期25-34,共10页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(12YJC730012) 国家社科基金项目(11BZJ002)
关键词 国际宗教自由法 宗教接触 基督教右翼 美国 The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 religious engagement the right-wings of Christianity the United States
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