提出一个在小世界网络中,移动谈判者之间命名博弈(Naming Game)模型,研究谈判者在进行命名博弈的同时进行随机游走,发现移动快慢对收敛的时间有重要的影响;还研究了不同词汇数、总词汇数和谈判成功率与谈判者运动的关系。这些研究有助于更好理解移动参与者的群体行为特征,也有助于理解参与者的合作演化行为的产生和维持。
A model of naming game between mobile agents in small-world networks is proposed. It is found that the mobile velocity play an important role in the convergence time by investigating the phenomenon that the agents make random walk while they are playing naming-game. The relations of different names,total names and success rate with mobile velocity are investigated in detail. All of these results may be contributed to understanding the collective behavior of mobile agents,and the emergence and maintain of cooperative game as well.
Modern Electronics Technique