
以地方为基础的廉政管理:创新与意义 被引量:3

Locally-based Integrity Management in China: Innovation and Significance
摘要 以从广东省搜集的地方反腐创新案例作为分析样本,探讨以地方为基础的廉政管理的策略意义及其对反腐制度转型的推动作用,提出"以地方为基础的廉政管理"这一概念。按照经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的定义,"廉政管理"指的是加强廉洁建设、防止腐败和其他有违廉政的行为所实施的管理措施和活动。廉政管理的主要目的是预防腐败,即防患于未然,而不仅仅是抑制已发生的腐败情况。它可以是自上而下地按中央指令进行,也可以通过以地方为主自下而上的创新探索方式推进。前者需要在执行中央法规和命令时兼顾和协调不同地区的差异性,而后者则允许地方在廉政建设的机构、过程和方式上进行变通和调整。最近几年,地方廉政创新开始陆续出现,并且逐渐获得中央的认可和鼓励。这是行之有效的廉政建设途径。在大力治标的同时,必须综合施策,强化治本,才能有效确保治标之成果,提升国家法治建设之水平,奠定社会长治久安之基础。 Drawing on the authors' fieldwork in Guangdong, this article investigates the implications of developing integrity management at local levels for clean governance in China. The authors adopt the concept of integrity management coined by the OECD to refer to strategies and activities undertaken by governments to stimulate and enforce integrity with a view to preventing corruption and other integrity violations. Different from efforts to control existing corruption, the purpose of integrity management is to prevent corruption from taking place. Integrity management may be carried out in a top-down compliance-based fashion or a locally based bottom-up manner. While the former demands sweeping conformity and uniformity across different localities in implementing central rules and directives, the latter allows local variation in integrity structures, processes, and methods. In recent years, burgeoning and disparate local integrity innovations began to emerge and have been generally encouraged by the Center. The authors believe that developing locally based integrity management is an effective way toward clean governance. While it is important to crack down on existing corruption cases, more comprehensive measures should be taken to pursue profound institutional reform, to promote the rule of law, and to lay a solid foundation for social order and stability.
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第2期5-11,共7页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(13&ZD011) 香港特别行政区研究资助局优配研究金(11402814) 香港城市大学资助
关键词 反腐败 廉政管理 地方创新 anti-corruption integrity management local innovation
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