Since birth of the university, it always maintains the historical traditions of intellectual au- tonomy, academic autonomy, academic freedom under the potation of ivory tower and it is always been on the fringes of society. With the development of the society, the relationship between universi- ty and society becomes more and more closer, the society calls for the university to walk out the ivory tower to provide service for the society. As the result, the university is faced with a series of prob- lems. weather does the university walk out the ivory tower, how does the university walk out the ivo- ry tower, how does the university keep its basic academic value when it walk out the ivory tower, etc. In the Bok's point of view, the university should not only stick to the ivory tower but also walk out the ivory tower, and also transcend the ivory tower to maintain the balance between them. Based on the analysis of the Bok's view, this paper reflects upon the spirit of the ivory tower in our university and puts forward some solutions to these problems, hoping to provide some valuable reference for the reconstruction of the university's spirit of the ivory tower in our country.
ivory tower
Derek Curtis Bok
beyond the ivory tower
social responsibilities of the mod-ern university