

Comparative Consciousness of Koizumi Yakumo Represented in His Kwaidan(Ⅰ)
摘要 《怪谈》是小泉八云文学创作的代表作。小泉八云一生中共创作了五十篇怪谈故事。这些故事具有浓郁的泛灵论色彩。这说明灵性思维是贯穿其文学创作的一根红线。他认为,日本是一个以佛教为底色的社会。虽然神道教是该国的第一大宗教,但是它早已与佛教相融合,二者构成其民族文化,并支配其民族心理。作者在该书中实现了世界文学的真正融汇。在该书中我们可以看到印度、威尔士、俄罗斯、荷兰、丹麦、美国、中国和阿拉伯各国文学中优秀作品的影子。小泉八云还是一位成果丰硕的研究者。他的宏富成果说明了一个卓有成效的研究者必须具备比较意识。小泉八云的一生,从四个方面诠释了比较文学的意义。 Kwaidan is the masterpiece of Koizumi Yakumo's literary creation. All his life he accomplished fifty grotesque tales imbued with animistic hues, which shows that the spiritual thinking is a guiding line going through his literary creation. He thinks that Japan is a country with Buddhism as the base of the society. Though Shinto is the first popular religion of this country, it has long been melted with Buddhism, and they both constitute its national culture, and dominate the psychology of its people. Koizumi Yakumo realizes a genuine fusion of world literatures in Kwaidan. It is easy for us to find the shadow of the excellent works of India, Wales, Russia, Holland, Denmark, the USA, China and Arabian. Koizumi Yakumo is meanwhile a productive researcher of academic studies whose research achievements show that an excellent scholar must possess comparative consciousness. Through his life Koizumi Yakumo gives a four-dimensional interpretation of comparative literature.
作者 张思齐
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2015年第2期88-93,共6页 Journal of Hengshui University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"杜诗比较批评史和杜工部集英译"的(11BZW020)的成果之一
关键词 世界文学 小泉八云 文化底色 思维模式 比较研究 world literature Koizumi Yakumo cultural base thinking mode comparative study
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  • 2Edmund Spenser, The Works of Edmund Spenser (Ware, Hertfordshire, UK: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 1995).
  • 3William R. Trumble, Angus Stevenson, ed. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, fifth edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002).
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  • 6Alister E. McGrath, ed., Christian Literature." An Anthology (Malden, Massachusetts, USA, Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2001).
  • 7Society of St John the Evangelist, The Roman Missal in Latin and English, third edition (Rome: Descl6e & Co., 1924).
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