
Impact of glucose level on morbidity and mortality in elderly with diabetes and pre-diabetes 被引量:1

Impact of glucose level on morbidity and mortality in elderly with diabetes and pre-diabetes
摘要 The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM) increases with age and reaches 25% in those older than age 65 years. Pre-diabetes status is also very common in the elderly, and is present in about half of those age 75 years and older. Many physicians care for elderly patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes, dealing with the challenge of controlling glucose levels and improving health with minimal adverse events. Over the last decade, research on diabetes among the elderly population has proliferated, adding new information on this topic. This review summarizes the updated medical literature on diabetes and pre-diabetes in the elderly, including the significance of pre-diabetic conditions, new-onset DM in the elderly and long-standing DM. The role of therapeutic intervention and the level of glycemic control for this population are discussed in particular. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM)increases with age and reaches 25% in those olderthan age 65 years. Pre-diabetes status is also verycommon in the elderly, and is present in about half ofthose age 75 years and older. Many physicians care forelderly patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes, dealingwith the challenge of controlling glucose levels andimproving health with minimal adverse events. Over thelast decade, research on diabetes among the elderlypopulation has proliferated, adding new information onthis topic. This review summarizes the updated medicalliterature on diabetes and pre-diabetes in the elderly,including the significance of pre-diabetic conditions,new-onset DM in the elderly and long-standing DM.The role of therapeutic intervention and the level ofglycemic control for this population are discussed inparticular.
机构地区 Endocrinology
出处 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE CAS 2015年第2期345-351,共7页 世界糖尿病杂志(英文版)(电子版)
关键词 DIABETES MELLITUS ELDERLY OLD age PREDIABETES Glycemic control Diabetes mellitus Elderly Old age Prediabetes Glycemic control
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