Hepatitis C infection and chronic kidney disease are major health burden worldwide. Hepatitis C infection is associated with a wide range of extra-hepatic manifestations in various organs including the kidneys. A strong association between hepatitis C and chronickidney disease has come to light. Hemodialysis in supporting the end stage renal disease patients unfortunately carries a risk for hepatitis C infection. Despite much improvement in the care of this group of patients,the prevalence of hepatitis C infection in hemodialysis patients is still higher than the general population. Hepatitis C infection has a negative effect on the survival of hemodialysis and renal transplant patients. Treatment of hepatitis C in end stage renal disease patients using conventional or pegylated interferon with or without ribavirin remains a clinical challenge with low response rate,high dropout rate due to poor tolerability and many unmet needs. The approval of new direct acting antiviral agents for hepatitis C may dramatically change the treatment approach in hepatitis C infected patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. However it remains to be confirmed if the newer Hepatitis C therapies are safe in individuals with severe renal impairment. This review article discusses the relationship between hepatitis C and chronic kidney disease,describe the various types of renal diseases associated with hepatitis C and the newer as well as the existing treatments for hepatitis C in the context of this subpopulation of hepatitis C patients.
Hepatitis C infection and chronic kidney disease aremajor health burden worldwide. Hepatitis C infectionis associated with a wide range of extra-hepaticmanifestations in various organs including the kidneys.A strong association between hepatitis C and chronickidney disease has come to light. Hemodialysis insupporting the end stage renal disease patientsunfortunately carries a risk for hepatitis C infection.Despite much improvement in the care of this groupof patients, the prevalence of hepatitis C infection inhemodialysis patients is still higher than the generalpopulation. Hepatitis C infection has a negative effecton the survival of hemodialysis and renal transplantpatients. Treatment of hepatitis C in end stage renaldisease patients using conventional or pegylatedinterferon with or without ribavirin remains a clinicalchallenge with low response rate, high dropout ratedue to poor tolerability and many unmet needs. Theapproval of new direct acting antiviral agents forhepatitis C may dramatically change the treatmentapproach in hepatitis C infected patients with mild tomoderate renal impairment. However it remains to beconfirmed if the newer Hepatitis C therapies are safe inindividuals with severe renal impairment. This reviewarticle discusses the relationship between hepatitis Cand chronic kidney disease, describe the various typesof renal diseases associated with hepatitis C and thenewer as well as the existing treatments for hepatitisC in the context of this subpopulation of hepatitis Cpatients.