
不可回避的问题和逃避现实的总统——论奥巴马应对种族问题的“和稀泥”态度 被引量:1

The Inevitable Question and the Escapism President——On the attitudes‘Huoxini'of Obama's way on racial issues
摘要 奥巴马作为美国历史上当选的首位黑人总统,从竞选到连任得到了国内少数族裔特别是黑人的鼎力支持,同时也在推动国内种族平等、进一步消除种族歧视等方面被民众寄予了厚望。但从他上任以来在处理几起热点种族冲突的态度来看,却是在有意或无意的回避种族问题。本文就奥巴马执政以来美国国内所发生的几起热点种族冲突事件以及其消极的处理态度进行了梳理和分析。分析表明,美国种族问题形势仍然十分严峻,奥巴马对待种族问题的消极"和稀泥"态度,不仅无益于美国种族矛盾的消融,同时会使其自身逐渐丧失民众支持基础。 As the first black American president,Obama won the support from minorities,especially from the blacks. Many people in American had hoped that Mr Obama would promote domestic ethnic equality and eliminate racial discrimination. However,since he took the office,it seems that Obama avoid to dealing with these issues consciously or unconsciously. This paper focuses on the attitudes how Obama dealt with several? ethnic conflicts since he took the office. It turns out that racial issues in American are still serious and the way Obama handled with the conflicts couldn' t solve the racial problem. Even worse the negative attitudes‘Huoxini'make Obama lose the public supports,and it is no help of solving? the? racial problems.
作者 石培培
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2015年第2期15-21,共7页 Journal of Yichun University
关键词 奥巴马 种族问题 处理态度 Obama Racial issues Handling Attitudes
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