In the age of globalization, national legislations on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility inevitably influence other parts of the world. This has been the dominant reason for many countries to adopt a comparative approach in legislations and judicial practices. In order to better understand globalization and develop a better approach to it from a comparative perspective, Renmin Law School held a conference that gathered scholars from four prominent law schools, namely Geneva University Law Faculty, Harvard Law School, Renmin Law School, and Sydney University Law School, to exchange ideas on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. As Vice President of Renmin University has said during the opening ceremony, this conference aims to provide the Chinese government and corporations with new ideas and inspirations by sharing the comparative studies of prominent scholars on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.
In the age of globalization, national legislations on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility inevitably influence other parts of the world. This has been the dominant reason for many countries to adopt a comparative approach in legislations and judicial practices. In order to better understand globalization and develop a better approach to it from a comparative perspective, Renmin Law School held a conference that gathered scholars from four prominent law schools, namely Geneva University Law Faculty, Harvard Law School, Renmin Law School, and Sydney University Law School, to exchange ideas on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. As Vice President of Renmin University has said during the opening ceremony, this conference aims to provide the Chinese government and corporations with new ideas and inspirations by sharing the comparative studies of prominent scholars on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.