

A Study on Cryogenic Storage and Stratification of Liquefied Natural Gas Containing 1% Nitrogen
摘要 针对含氮1%液化天然气储罐内分层现象,通过建立模型并求解N-S方程获得距液面不同高度下温度计算表达式。结合给定储罐及所处环境参数,计算随时间变化储罐内温度分布并绘制温度变化曲线,该表达式所得理论数据与已有实验数据比较符合,与液氢热分层数值模拟结果温度分布趋势比较一致,进而为LNG储罐内分层发生翻滚的极限即判据的进一步研究提供理论支持。 tablishes tribution rameters This paper focuses on stratification within the LNG containing 1% Nitrogen vessel, es e stratification model, and obtains the formula which calculates the temperature dis- the liquid phase in the vessel through solving the N-S equations. With the given pa- the vessel and the environment, the specific temperature is got at specific height in the vessel after a specific period of time, and the temperature curve is drawn. The calculations agree with the temperature distribution trend from the cryogenic liquid hydrogen thermal stratification of numerical simulation results, conform to the experimental data so that it provides theoretical support for further research on criterion of hierarchical LNG tanks roll limit.
作者 韩一飞
机构地区 西安航空学院
出处 《北京石油化工学院学报》 2015年第1期5-9,共5页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
关键词 分层 温度分布 液化天然气 液氢 stratification temperature distribution LNG liquid hydrogen
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