
霍乱时期英属印度的医学对话 被引量:2

A Medical Dialogue in British India in the Time of Cholera
摘要 霍乱时期的英属印度为西方医学和印度传统医学之间的对话提供了良好的平台。在对话过程中,二者的地位逐渐发生改变。在19世纪上半期,西方医学积极借鉴印度传统医学。19世纪中期以来,西方医学打破了之前平等的对话模式,在英属印度占据了主导,而印度医学则旁落为替代医学。针对霍乱的诊治,对抗疗法和顺势疗法反映了不同医学文化之间的差异。 British India in the time of cholera provides an ideal platform for a medical dialogue between Western medicine and Indian indigenous medicine.Gradually,their respective position in British India changed in the dialogue.In the first half of the 19 th century,Western medicine has been learning actively from indigenous medicine.Since the mid-19 th century,however,the equal dialogue between the two medical traditions was replaced by the dominance of Western medicine.For the treatment of cholera,interactions between allopathy and homeopathy illustrated the complexity of the medical dialogue.
作者 杜宪兵
机构地区 清华大学历史系
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期64-69,共6页 Qilu Journal
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目"全球史视野中的英属印度霍乱流行研究"(2014M550697)
关键词 霍乱 英属印度 西方医学 印度医学 对话 cholera British India Western medicine Indian indigenous medicine dialogue
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