文章以中国对外传播历史悠久的新闻月刊《今日中国》(法文版)《la Chine au présent》为研究文本,以传播学相关理论为研究视域,分析翻译传播理论在汉译法领域内的应用。在具体的研究过程中,选取《今日中国》(法文版)2013年全年12期杂志,分别从词汇和语篇两个层面,对其中文和法文版本进行对照和比较。旨在将传播学理论和外宣翻译研究相结合,通过跨文化传播中的汉译法策略之路径,丰富和发展外宣翻译研究的内容,以期为外宣翻译提供比较科学合理的学理逻辑,更好地回应我国对外传播工作以及国家形象建构的迫切需求。
Based on La Chine au Présent,a monthly news magazine with a long history of external communication in China,the thesis discusses the application of publicity translation theories in the Chinese-French translation in the perspective of communication theories. During the research process,the thesis makes a comparison and contrast between the Chinese and French editions of articles in the 12 magazines published in 2013 through vocabulary and discourse. The thesis applies the integration of communication theories and publicity translation theories to the study on Chinese-French translation approaches in the intercultural communication. This will enrich and develop the publicity translation theories as well as provides scientific and reasonable logic for them,which can better satisfy the needs of the publicity works and the construction of national image of our country.
Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University