
对地观测星载激光测高系统高程误差分析 被引量:11

Elevation error analysis of spaceborne laser altimeter for earth observation
摘要 星载激光测高系统通过接收卫星平台激光器发出的激光脉冲经地表反射的微弱回波,计算卫星与地表的距离;结合卫星轨道和姿态数据,生成激光脚点精确地理位置和高程结果。其高程误差主要受器件、环境和目标参数影响,目前还没有完整描述对地观测星载激光测高系统平面和高程误差的数学模型。简化并完善了针对固体地表的激光测距误差模型,建立了完整的激光脚点平面和高程误差模型。利用高程精度和空间分辨率更高的机载Lidar数据评估了星载激光测高系统GLAS实测数据的高程偏差,评估结果符合所建误差模型。在较平坦的冰盖表面,GLAS系统高程精度可以达到设计值约15 cm。研究内容对测高系统高程误差评估和系统参数设计具有参考意义。 In space-borne laser altimeter system, the range between satellite and target was calculated by the weak received signal which was transmitted from laser device and reflected by earth surface, and the accurate location and elevation of laser footprint was acquired by combining satellite precise orbit with attitude data. The elevation error was mainly affected by the device noise, the environment and the target parameters, and there is no complete analyzing model of location and elevation error for spaceborne laser altimetry system. The error model of laser ranging for solid surface was simplified and improved.Meanwhile, the location and elevation error analysis model of laser footprint was established in this paper.Utilizing airborne lidar data with better spatial resolution and elevation accuracy, the elevation deviation of GLAS data were evaluated, and the result was consistent with the error model. It is proved that on the flat surface of ice sheets the elevation accuracy of GLAS system can meet its design value of approximate 15 cm. This research is instructive for elevation error assessment and system parameters designing of laser altimeter system.
出处 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期1042-1047,共6页 Infrared and Laser Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAB16B01) 海岛(礁)测绘技术国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室资助(2011B03) 国家"十二五"民用航天预先研究项目(卫星激光测量数据处理与冰层高度变化反演) 卫星测绘技术与应用国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室经费资助(KLAMTA201408) 青岛市博士后研究人员应用研究项目
关键词 激光遥感 激光测高 测距误差 高程误差 机载激光雷达 laser remote sensing laser altimeter range error elevation error airborne lidar
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