
关联信息在社交网络中传播的竞争模型 被引量:2

Modeling Cooperation and Competition of Information Diffusion in Online Social Network
摘要 在社交网络(OSNs)中,各个信息不仅独立通过网络传播,而是在传播的过程中彼此进行交互。为了理解社交网络中相关联信息的扩散过程,需要研究不同的信息在传播过程中是如何交互的。目前,大部分的研究都认为不同信息的传播过程之间相互独立。将社交网络和具有食物链的生态系统进行了类比,信息之间的相互作用可以被视为物种之间的竞争,基于经典的动态生态系统的反应扩散模型,建立起了IDM模型。从Github上收集了两个真实的数据集,并通过实验结果证明了:相对于Lotka-Volterra模型模型,IDM模型具有更优秀的预测性能。 In Online Social Networks(OSNs) multiple contagions not only propagate through the network but also interact with each other at the same time. In order to understand the diffusion process of contagions it is necessary to study how different contagions interact. Most of prior work considered individual contagions as independent and thus spreading in isolation. In this paper, an analogy is made between OSNs and biology systems. The interaction among contagions could be regarded as the competing among species. An Interaction Diffusion Model(IDM) is proposed, which is based on the classic reaction diffusion equation in dynamic biology systems to describe and predict the interactions among multiple contagions. Two real datasets collected from Github are used to testify the predicting performance of the IDM model. Experimental results show that IDM model outperforms the compared models at predicting accuracy.
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2015年第3期22-24,共3页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 社交网络 信息传播 反应扩散模型 Social Network Information Diffusion Reaction Diffusion Model
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