
思维方式的转型与新知识的普及——清末民初中国百科全书的发展历程 被引量:6

Changes of Way of Thought and Widespreading New Knowledge: The Development of Chinese Encyclopedias in the Late Qing and Early Republic China
摘要 1830年代西方百科全书进入中国之后,对中国传统的类书及其所包含的知识文化产生了巨大的冲击,各种西方新式百科全书出版活动在中国日渐兴起的原因,源于不少文化精英认为,西方在财富与权力方面的强势,其秘诀包含于百科全书之中。随着政治局面日渐恶化,百科全书的出版种类与数量也随之攀升,而日文和英文百科全书,则成为重要的信息来源。本文关注了19世纪及20世纪初期,在全球知识井喷的过程中,中国人的思维方式所发生的变化,探讨了中国知识界怎样将日益全球化的新知识加以改造,以适应他们的需要,并讨论了这种适应的发展历程,诸如知识的分类方式、相关性与实用性的等级划分、信息可靠性的标准,以及加强语言修辞准确性的手段。上述历程的种种细节,在所谓"新知识百科全书"中清晰可见。本文及其相关研究成果首次对迄今尚未得到重印、甚至不为学者所知的数量庞杂的百科全书进行深入讨论,关注了中国百科全书生产过程中跨文化与跨语言的环境,提出了更为深入的政治、制度、知识及概念史方面的问题。 This paper explores what went on in Chinese minds during this turbulent process in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It does so through a series of case studies on the Chinese adaptation of the increasingly globalized canon of modern knowledge and the shifts in the equally globalized software through which this process was articulated:in the taxonomy of knowledge, the hierarchy of relevance and usefulness, the standards for the reliability of information,and the tools to enhance the terminological precision of language. This paper argues that since 1830's Western encyclopedias entered China,there happened a huge impact to Chinese traditional books and the cultural knowledge which was contained. The reason that the various Western new encyclopedias were published in China was that many cultural elites put forward that the key why the West accumulated the wealth and power was included in the encyclopedias. As the political situation was deteriorating,the species and quantity of encyclopedias published also rose,and Japanese and English encyclopedias became important information source. This paper investigates many of these encyclopedias,which were never reprinted and hardly known even to specialists for the first time. The studies show that these encyclopedias opened a unique window onto the migration and ordering systems of knowledge across cultural and linguistic borders.
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期37-47,共11页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 全球知识 百科全书 思维方式 变革 encyclopedia new global knowledge ways of thought cultural elite
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  • 1Abraham Rees, Cyclopaedia, or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, 45 Vols. With illustrations(London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme &Brown, 1819-1820).
  • 2陈德培,林永俣,孟彭兴.林则徐《洋事杂录》[J].中山大学学报(社会科学版),1986,26(3):14-34. 被引量:5
  • 3William and Robert Chambers, eds., Chambers" Information for the People, Being a Series of Treatises on the Branches of Human Knowledge in Which the Greater Part of the Community Are Most Interested, and Designed to Serve the Chief Uses of an Encyclopedia at a Price Beyond Example Moderate, 4th ed. (London: Orr and Smith, 1857). 《百科全书》,(Tokyo: Monbusho, 1875-1885).
  • 4Hugh Murray, ed., The Encyclopedia of Geography: Comprising a Complete Desc@tion of the Earth, Physical, Statistical, Civil and Political; Exhibiting Its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, Its Physical Structure, the Natural History of Each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations( Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1837 ).
  • 5魏源《海国图志》之中,后者1843年出版,1852年增订.
  • 6《四洲志》初版的一部分,后来收入王锡祺之《小方壶斋舆地丛钞再补编》(上海:著易堂,1897年).
  • 7Robert Hunter, ed., The American Encyclopaedic Dictionary. A Thoroughly Accurate, Practical and Exhaustive Work of Reference to All the Words in the English Language, with a Full Account of their On'gin, Meaning, Pronunciation and Use, 3 vols. (Chicago: Ogilvie, 1894).
  • 8The Penny Cyclopedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 27 vols. (London: Charles Knight, 1833 -1843 ).
  • 9The Penny Cyclopedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 27 vols. ( London: Charles Knight, 1833 - 1843.
  • 10The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ( 1831 - 1845 ) 和 Chambers's Journal( 1832 - 1853 ).












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