

Minimum Mean Square Pre-coding Method for Cognitive Radio Networks with Eliminating Asynchronous Interference
摘要 当主用户和次用户位置上存在一定距离时,由于次用户到达主用户系统的信号不同步,从而引入异步干扰,此干扰不但影响主用户系统,使得其干扰增大,也会影响次用户系统,使得次用户系统传输速率损失,特别是误比特性能的上升;针对此问题,为了消除异步干扰对主次用户系统的影响,提出了一种基于最小均方误差的预编码方法,此方法在预编码阶段就预先消除了异步干扰,并且此方法是在保证主用户的服务质量基础上进行的;通过分析和仿真结果表明,所提方案在对主用户系统干扰受限的条件下,有效提升了次用户系统容量,同时提高了次用户系统传输的可靠性。 When the primary users and second user geographically has certain distance, there are asynchronous interferences, the interferences not only influence the primary user system, also can affect second user system. To solve this problem, in order to eliminate asynchronous interference to primary and secondary users the influence of system, this paper puts forward a kind of based on the minimum mean square error of pre-coding method. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed scheme in the main user system interference limited conditions, effectively enhance the user' s system and second user system capacity, and improve the reliability of the transmission system of second users system.
作者 董刚
出处 《冶金设备》 2015年第1期36-40,共5页 Metallurgical Equipment
关键词 认知无线电 频谱共享 多输入多输出 异步干扰 Cognitive radio Spectrum share MIMO Asynchronous interference
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