
“开始绝望”?——《忏悔录》卷五再分析 被引量:2

“Desperare coepi”? The fifth book of Confessions revisited
摘要 《忏悔录》所叙述的"转变"就是奥古斯丁脱离摩尼教、走向大公基督教的过程。按照该书卷五的文学呈现,在383年与福斯图斯相遇之后,奥古斯丁就对摩尼教"开始绝望",是故其摩尼教时期仅为"九年之久"。本文指出,当时奥古斯丁的中心目标就是依靠摩尼教的关系谋求世俗的前程,"开始绝望"的叙事实为文学修辞的产物;但这番叙事并非旨在掩盖当年"畏罪潜逃"的凭空虚构,而应当被理解为作者在"转变"之后的语境中有目的地进行回忆的结果。 Confessions recalls Augustine's'conversion'from Manichaeism to Catholic Christianity. According to the literary presentation of the fifth book of this work,Augustine'began to be desperate'about Manichaeism after he encountered with Faustus the Manichaean bishop in 383. Thus,his Manichaean period was only'nine years'. This paper argues that this rhetoric is inconsistent with Augustine's ardent pursuit of secular success at the time; rather than any insincere literary fabrication to conceal his past exile as a persecuted Manichaean,it was his retrospective memory in the post-conversion context.
作者 夏洞奇
机构地区 复旦大学
出处 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2015年第2期35-48,111,共14页 The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"<忏悔录>的历史 文本与思想研究"(项目号:12BSS004)的阶段性研究成果
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  • 1James J. O' Donne11, Augustine : Confessions(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 [1992]), vol. 1, p. xxx.
  • 2Frederick van F|eteren, "Confessiones," in Augustine throughthe Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. Allan D. Fitzgerald (Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans, 1999) , pp. 227 -232, esp. 228 -229.
  • 3J. J. O' Meara, "Augustine's Confessions: Elements of Fiction," in Augustine: From Rhetor to Theologian, ed. Joanne McWilliam (Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1992), pp. 77 -95.
  • 4Frederick J. Crosson, "Book Five: The Disclosure of Hidden Providence," in A Reader' s Companion to Augustine' s Confessions, ed. Kim Paffenroth and Robert P. Kennedy (Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2003), pp. 71 -87, esp. 75 -76.
  • 5Conf. 4. 1, 1 : "per idem tempus annorum novem, ab undevicensimo anno aetatis meae usque ad duodetficensimum" ; cf. Conf. 3. 11.20.
  • 6"nam novem ferme anni secuti sunt quibus ego in iUo limo profundi ac tenebris falsitatis" ; Conf. 5. 6. 10.
  • 7Leo C. Ferrari, "Astronomy andAugustine' s Break with the Manichees," Revue des 6tudes augustiniennes 19 (1973): pp. 263 -276.
  • 8Jason David BeDuhn, Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma, I, pp. 106-134.
  • 9Gijs Martijn van Gaans, "The Manichaean Bishop Faustus: The State of Research After a Century of Scholarship," in Augustine and Manichaean Christianity: Selected Papers from the First South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, ed. Johannes van Oort (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 200-227.
  • 10Conf. 5. 7. 12: "'nam posteaquam ille mihi imperitus earum artium quibus eum excellere putaveram satis apparuit, desperare coepi posse mihi eum ilia quae me movebant aperire atque dissolvere.










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