

Research Progress of Relationship between Purkinje Fiber and the Mechanism of Arrhythmia
摘要 浦肯野纤维是心脏传导系统的最后分支,在心内膜下交织成网,再通过特殊的连接方式与普通心室肌细胞相连,主要功能是迅速将电活动传导至整个心室。浦肯野纤维的结构及功能对心脏兴奋冲动的传导至关重要,其结构及功能发生变化可引起电冲动的传导异常,从而导致心律失常。目前,许多研究表明,浦肯野纤维细胞结构及功能在分子水平的改变(如基因调控异常、细胞间连接蛋白及跨膜离子流的改变)可导致心律失常。该文就浦肯野纤维与心律失常发生机制的研究进展予以综述。 The Purkinje system forms the final portion of the cardiac conduction system connected with the ventricular myocardium via special junctions in the endocardium,which provides a rapid conduction pathway through the ventricles. The normal structure and function of Purkinje cells is essential for the propagation of cardiac impulse,since abnormal structure and function of Purkinje cells may cause abnormal conduction pathway and result in the occurrence of arrhythmias. Recently,many studies showed that the changes of structure and function of Purkinje cells including the abnormal gene regulation,abnormal connections and abnormal ion channels could result in arrhythmias. Here is to make a review of Purkinje cells in the mechanisms of arrhythmia.
出处 《医学综述》 2015年第6期972-974,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(11551265) 黑龙江省自然基金资助项目(D201058)
关键词 浦肯野纤维 基因调控 细胞间连接 离子通道 心律失常 Purkinje fiber Gene regulation Cell-cell connection Ion channels Arrhythmia
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