
基于资源基础观的企业多元化理论现状与展望 被引量:4

Theories and Future Prospects of Enterprise Diversification Based on Resource-based View
摘要 企业多元化相关理论不断涌现,多元化战略的研究新范式逐渐形成,其中资源基础观是新范式的主体。除了资源基础观,其他流派也提供了不同多元化研究视角,主要理论有产业组织理论、委托代理理论、交易成本理论、内部资本市场理论和制度经济学。资源基础观的突出贡献在于为多元化,特别是相关多元化提供了强有力的理论逻辑支撑。各个流派对资源基础观下的多元化战略研究进行了拓展,基本形成了以资源基础观为基础,各学派融合的多元化战略研究现状。对多元化未来研究路径进行了展望。 With the constant emerging of the theories on enterprise diversification,the new research paradigm of diversification is formed,and the resource- based view is the main body of the new research paradigm. Besides resource- based view,different research perspectives of diversification are provided by other schools,such as industrial organizational theory,principal- agent theory,transaction costs theory,internal capital market theory,and institutional economics. The most prominent contribution of resource- based view is diversification,which provides strong theoretical and logical support. Different schools expand researches of diversification strategies based on the view,which makes the theories of different schools to merge with each other. Finally,we forecast the future prospects of the diversification strategy.
作者 刘琼 邓亚中
出处 《云南财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期82-89,共8页 Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
关键词 资源基础观 多元化战略 企业集团 Resource-based View Diversification Strategy Enterprise Group
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