Guest Editor Prof.Dr.Stephanie Teufel University of Fribourg stephanie.teufel@unifr.ch From energy generation to transportation,from energy distribution to storage,from semiconductor processing to communications,and from portable devices to data centers,energy consumption has grown to be a major limitation to usability and performance. So energy efficiency and renewables get active research areas and energy turnaround is destined, moti- vated by energy necessity and environmental concerns. The energy turnaround will be achieved by applying highly efficient technologies (including information and communication technology), focusing on renewables, employing and accepting demand side management thus yielding decentralization. This ends in a change of the role of today's energy consumers, they become energy prosumers who have to make strategic decisions on their energy balance, and organize themselves in like-minded neighborhoods. This sets up the framework of the Crowd Energy Concept. For a successful and sustainable implementation of the energy turnaround, it is essential to analyze and discuss not only in technical dimensions but also from sociological, economic, and political aspects.
Guest Editor Prof.Dr.Stephanie Teufel University of Fribourg stephanie.teufel@unifr.ch From energy generation to transportation,from energy distribution to storage,from semiconductor processing to communications,and from portable devices to data centers,energy consumption has grown to be a major limitation to usability and performance. So energy efficiency and renewables get active research areas and energy turnaround is destined, moti- vated by energy necessity and environmental concerns. The energy turnaround will be achieved by applying highly efficient technologies (including information and communication technology), focusing on renewables, employing and accepting demand side management thus yielding decentralization. This ends in a change of the role of today's energy consumers, they become energy prosumers who have to make strategic decisions on their energy balance, and organize themselves in like-minded neighborhoods. This sets up the framework of the Crowd Energy Concept. For a successful and sustainable implementation of the energy turnaround, it is essential to analyze and discuss not only in technical dimensions but also from sociological, economic, and political aspects.