随着地理信息服务应用领域和受众群体的日益广泛,人们对地理信息服务的需求越来越多元化。一方面网络上注册和发布的地理信息服务的数量急剧增长;另一方面人们对如何高效发现兴趣服务、组合兴趣服务以满足兴趣需要却常感到困惑。当前,用户只能通过关键字搜索并结合空间过滤条件查询OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)的目录服务,来发现所需的数据和服务。用户在受益于目录服务带来的资源搜索便捷的同时,经常受到查全率和查准率不高的困扰。面对日益庞大的服务群,如何自动、快速、准确地发现目标服务,成为影响地理信息服务进一步发展与应用的瓶颈。本文围绕地理信息服务语义标注原理方法与关键技术展开研究,通过引入信息检索技术和语义网技术、语义服务技术,从面向地理信息服务语义标注的本体建模、基于地理概念匹配的语义标注算法、融合相似性度量与包含性推理的语义匹配与服务发现,以及语义标注和服务匹配质量评价方法4个方面进行了深入研究。针对地理概念半自动语义标注新算法、地理信息服务语义发现与匹配方法、服务语义标注和服务匹配质量评价、应用试验等具体研究内容进行了实验设计,并给出了需解决的核心问题,为当前地理信息服务匹配方法提供了新思路。
As the applications of geographic information services and a widespread of users expand, the demand for geographic information services becomes increasingly diverse. On one hand, the amount of registered and released geographic information services on the internet rises rapidly; on the other hand, people are confused about how to efficiently discover and combine interested services to satisfy their demands. However, benefiting from the convenience of geospatial resource search through keywords and combining spatial filtering conditions of WCS (Web Catalog Service), users still frequently encounter problems of low comprehension and precision. Facing an increasingly large group of services, how to find the target service automatically, quickly and accurately has become the bottleneck for further development and application of geographic information service. In order to solve this problem in geographical information service matching and discovery, the paper adopted the information retrieval technology, semantic web technology and semantic service technology to achieve a good approach. As a whole, four aspects are discussed in depth, including the semantic annotation algorithm based on the geographical concept matching, the strategy of service descriptions for SOA framework, the geospatial semantic similarity measurement model, and the integrated algorism of the geospatial semantic similarity measurement and the service semantic matching that based on subsumption reasoning. The article firstly introduces the geographic concept annotation of geo-ontology hierarchical model, and then introduces a new semi-automatic semantic annotation algorithm that is based on geographic concept matching and increases the annotation efficiency. Considering the application requirement of geographic information service discovery, this research illustrates a new geographic concept similarity measurement model according to the description logic, which sets up a foundation to solve the semantic service problem regarding to similarity measurement. By compromising the semantic service similarity measurement model and traditional subsumption reasoning engine, this research develops a new geographic information service discovery and matching method, which will increase the discovery and matching efficiency evidently. In the end, the article presents the necessity to build an evaluation index system to evaluate the resultant quality on both geographic information service semantic annotation and service discovery and matching. And an application framework for geographic information service is introduced, which integrates geographic information semantic service annotation, service registry, catalog management, and service matching and discovery all together. Through analysis of practical cases, the article provides useful new research ideas for improving current geographic information service matching methods.
Journal of Geo-information Science
geo-ontology hierarchical model
semantic web service
semi-automatic semantic annotation
semantic similarity measurement
service matching and discovery