
消费者初次网络购物中信任与不信任影响因素差异的实证研究 被引量:2

Empirical Research on Differences of Trust and Distrust Influence Factors in the Consumer Initial Online Shopping
摘要 大量研究证明信任和不信任是相对独立但共存的一对概念,并且其前置因素是存在差异的。但是,相关研究还是初步的,尤其在消费者初次网络购物时,哪些因素影响信任,哪些因素影响不信任,仍是急待进一步明晰的问题。本文首先就相关研究进行文献综述,在此基础上提出有关理论假设;其次,基于赫茨伯格的双因素理论,采用结构方程建模方法,对相关假设进行有关实证验证;最后,对本文研究结果进行了总结,并对进一步研究的方向和具体在线网站设计实践提供一些建议。 Many studies found that trust and distrust were two distinct and separate constructs,The antecedents of trust and distrust was different; However,the related research was still preliminary,especially in consumer initial online shopping,what factors affected the trust,the factors which influenced the distrust,the problem was still to be further clear.This paper first reviewed the related research and proposes relevant hypothesis.Secondly,based on Herzberg’s two factor theory,this paper made an empirical study to hypothesis using the structural equation modeling methodology; Finally,the results of this study were summarized,and some suggestions were offered for further research directions and specific online website design practice.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期31-34,45,共5页 Journal of Modern Information
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目资助"基于双因素理论在线购买不信任前置因素归类理论框架在中国的实证研究"(项目批准号:11YJA630172)
关键词 网络购物 信任 不信任 前置因素 双因素理论 影响因素 online shopping trust distrust antecedents two factor theory influnce factors
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