
新革命史与1950年代上海研究的新叙事 被引量:7

The New Historical Study of Revolution and the New Narrative in the Study of Shanghai in 1950s
摘要 以革命大叙事为唯一研究路径与方式的革命史受到"集权主义论"和"现代化论"两方面的挑战,被许多当代中国史研究者所摒弃。这两种叙事方式特别是后者影响下的上海研究也"告别"革命大叙事,将社会文化史与革命史割裂开来,进而将1950年代上海研究置于现代化的断裂与集权主义的"黑色叙述"中。新革命史的兴起从20世纪中国革命的连续性与多重释义两方面唤回革命史,并为上海研究增加了新维度。新革命史观照下的1950年代上海研究呈现出多重面相,革命、国家与社会三重叙事与三个逻辑相互碰撞,彼此交汇。"都市迅速远去,摩登依然在场",既是新叙事下1950年代中国的上海旋律,也是同一时代的上海历史主题。 Challenged by the 'theory of totalitarianism'and the 'theory of modernization',the historical study of revolution that takes grand narratives of revolution as the only research approach and method has been discarded by many researchers of the history of contemporary China. Also influenced by these two kinds of theories,especially the latter one,the historical study of Shanghai has 'bidden farewell'to grand narratives of revolution,separating social and cultural history from the history of revolution,and then putting the historical study of Shanghai in 1950 s in the 'black narrative'of totalitarianism and the isolation of modernization. This new approach recalls the history of revolution in terms of the continuity of Chinese revolutions in the 20 thcentury and its multiple meanings and provides a new dimension of the historical study of Shanghai. In light of this new approach,the historical study of Shanghai in 1950 s presents various facets. Three kinds of narratives and perspectives,that is,revolution,nation and society,collide with and influence on one another. The statement that 'the image of metropolis is vanishing,while the modernity remains'reflects the new narrative melody as well as the historical theme in Shanghai in 1950 s.
作者 张济顺
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期14-20,167,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 革命大叙事 新革命史 当代中国史 1950年代上海研究 grand narratives of revolution,new historical study of revolution,history of contemporary China,study of Shanghai in 1950s
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